Shads Hotspot engulfed by a nice bass

Shads 30 gram Jew Candyin Pearl Ayu with a nice Mackeral.

Shads 4Inch Flick Tails in Casper with quality tailor.

Shads 4/6 Inch Casper Flick Tails Dynamite off the Reefs on Snapper and kings

Shads Pearl Ayu 17 gram vibe with a quailty Jewfish from the Brisbane River.

Pearl Ayu 17 Gram Vibe.

Shads 4Inch Mullet Paddle Tail with another Jewfish.

Mulloway cant resit the 4 Inch Paddle Tails in Mullet.

If you love your goldens hotspot 17 gram Vibes are a must have these things just love them.

The new 6 Inch Commando FlickTail with another quality south nsw coast Snapper.

6 inch Commando Flick Tails with a healthy goldCoast Snapper.

Shads Mullet Paddle Tails slow rolled around pontoons and rock bars deadly on

Shads Soft ONS with a noce Bay Snapper Vertically Jigged Under the boat.

Justin with a nice Barra on the Casper 4 inch Paddle Tails

4Inch Mullet Paddle Tail engulfed by this awesome Barra.

Casper Paddle Tails at there best with this nice Barra.

30 Gram Jew Candy in Pearl AYU with a nice Cobia.

Shads Mullet Paddle Tails with a healthy Gold Coast Jack.

Justin with a healthy Barra on the 17 gram vibe in Hotspot.

Shads Mullet Paddle Tails used on Spinner Baits deadly combo.

Mullet paddle tails on murray cod used with spinnerbaits just awesome

Shads Vibes In hotspot.

Lightning Jewcandys jigged of the bottom.

Tyson with a quailty Golden Trevally fishing with the Shads 30Gram Jewcandy in Pearl AYU.

Mangrove Jack on the Shads Mullet Paddle Tail slow rolled around pontoons around Gold Coast.

4 Inch Jack Red Paddle Tails in Action.

Mini Jack on the 4Inch Paddle Tails.

17 Gram vibe in hotspot deadly on the reds in Moreton Bay

Hotspot 17 Gram Vibe with a nice Jewfish.

Josh Demczyszyn with his pb Snapper caught on Shads Vibe in hotspot.

Tyson with aquality 76 cm fingermark caught on the 30 Gram Jew Candy in Pearl Ayu.